Kirk McDonald's California Visits
Nov. 27-28 and Dec. 12, 1999

See Links at end

With Roni McDonald in Talmage, CA, Nov. 27:
Roni and a mural at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.
Kirk and the dinner bell.
Roni at the temple of anti-swasticas.
Roni at the temple of anti-swasticas.
Kirk and the big buddha.
Roni and peahens.
Roni and spanish moss.
Roni at the gate to the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Nov. 28:
Roni in the Montgomery redwood grove, supposedly the home of the world's tallest tree.
Roni and a fallen redwood.
Roni and another fallen redwood.
Kirk in a mossy grove.
A newt in the undergrowth.
Roni and a lichen-covered redwood.
Roni at the "woodhenge".
Roni at her home on Burke St.
Clem Heusch at home in Hillsborough.
Karin Heusch.
Clem at the wishing well.

Dec. 12, 1999, Sonoma, CA
Past home of Smith and Blanche Hunt, 17317 Park Ave. in Fetters Hot Springs, a left turn off Mountain Ave., which is a right turn off highway 12 at a traffic light about 1 mile north from Sonoma.
A buddha on the terrace of the Hunt family home. The present owner appears to be something of an artist.
Another buddha; in back the "summer room" up the hill in which we kids used to sleep during visits.
The upper entrance to the Hunt house.

Tiburon, CA
Ira and Terra at the ferry slip. Angel Island is in the background.
Ira, Terra, Roni.
Terra and Ira eating lunch.
Ira on the ferry to Angel Island.
Roni and Terra on the ferry.

Angel Island, CA
Ira and Terra halfway to the top of Angel Island. Tiburon in the background.
Terra, Ira and Roni; the Golden Gate bridge is faint in the background.
Terra, Ira, Roni.
Roni and Ira near the top. Alcatraz is coming out of Ira's ear.
Ira and a tree stump at the top = Mt. Livermore, 781 ft.
Ira and Roni, plus Golden Gate bridge.
Terra and Roni on the trail back down.
Roni + bridge.
Kirk + bridge.
Roni and Terra on the ferry back to Tiburon.
Terra and Ira.
Terra, Ira, Roni.


Christmas 1999 at the McDonough's
Alex and Kirk McDonald in Estes Park, Co.
The McDonald Family in Paris '98.
Visit with the Bula-Bartz Family, 9/98.
The McDonald/Schaefer Family in Paris, April '98.
The McDonald Family Reunion, Tucson, Dec. '98; includes McDonald family links.
Physics in Collision, Frascati, June '98.
Our rental home and cottage in Cape Map, New Jersey.
Princeton Physics Department Picnic '98
Photos from the EP Lab Christmas party, Dec. 22, 1998.
Photos from Adlerfest, Oct. 1999.
Photos from Muon Collider Meetings.
Photos from the Princeton Physics Department Reception, Oct. 1999.
Photos from 1999 Physics Christmas parties.
Photos from the Adrianfest, Sept. 1999.

Kirk T. McDonald
Tel: +1-609-258-6608
Fax: +1-609-258-6360