Princeton/BABAR Drift Chamber Technical Notes

Left: Stew Smith with the completed rear endplate at Brenner Tool and Die (Dec. 1996)
Right: Future BABARian, Owen Schaefer in the magnet flux return (Aug. 14, 1997)

See Links at end

Text file: summary of 80 micron Al wire creep data for wire delivered in Dec. '96 (before annealing), C. Lu (2kB, Aug. 6, 1997)
Plot of 80 micron Al wire creep tests at TRIUMF, C. Lu (11kB, Aug. 11, 1997)
Plot of 80 micron Al wire yield point and creep rate vs. anneal temperature, study made in Feb. 1997. C. Lu (12kB, Aug. 6, 1997)
Plot of 80 micron Al wire yield point vs. anneal temperature, C. Lu (8kB, Aug. 6, 1997)
Plot of 80 micron Al wire elongation vs. anneal temperature, C. Lu (7kB, Aug. 6, 1997)
SEM photos of Luma 20 micron gold-plated tungsten wire: lumaa1 , lumaa2 , lumab1 , lumab2 , lumac1 , lumac2 , lumad1 , lumad2 , lumae1 , lumae2 (~100kB, June. 25, 1997)
SEM photos of Thermionic Products wire: thermio1 , thermio2 (~100kB, June. 25, 1997)
Plot of 120 micron Al wire tension vs. displacement, C. Lu (20kB, June 3, 1997)
Plot of 80 micron Al wire tension vs. displacement, C. Lu (16kB, June 3, 1997)
Plot of 20 micron tungsten wire tension vs. displacement, C. Lu (17kB, June 3, 1997)
Plot of 120 micron Al wire creep data, C. Lu (17kB, June 3, 1997)
Text file: 120 micron Al wire creep data; col 1 = rel. tension, col 2 = days, C. Lu (1kB, June 3, 1997)
Plot of 80 micron Al wire creep data, C. Lu (23kB, June 3, 1997)
Text file: 80 micron Al wire creep data; col 1 = rel. tension, col 2 = days, C. Lu (1kB, June 3, 1997)
TNDC-97-58: Princeton Magnet Coils: Test Results, C. Lu, K.T. McDonald and A.J.S. Smith (270kB, May 30, 1997, this note has 5 pages -- you may have to use the `page' `next' command to acces them)
TNDC-97-57: Updated Plots of Drift Chamber Wire Creep, R. Klemmer, C. Lu, K.T. McDonald and W.R. Sands (240kB, Apr. 7, 1997). .pdf version.
TNDC-97-56: The Effect of Annealing on Creep of Aluminum Wire, C. Lu and K.T. McDonald (650kB, Feb. 7, 1997). .pdf version.
Text file: Summary of Drift Chamber Wire Issues, K.T. McDonald (8kB, Jan. 16, 1997)
TNDC-97-55: Plots of Drift Chamber Wire Creep, R. Klemmer, C. Lu, K.T. McDonald and W.R. Sands (230kB, Jan. 9, 1997). .pdf version.
JPEG photo of Stew Smith with the completed rear endplate (93kB, Jan. 2, 1997)
JPEG photo of the front endplate on the CMM, with holes marked for remeasurement (205kB, Jan. 2, 1997)
JPEG photo of the rear endplate on the CMM (87kB, Jan. 2, 1997)
TNDC-97-54: CMM Results from the Drift Chamber Endplates, K.T. McDonald and W.R. Sands (7.3MB, Jan. 8, 1997)
front_clear.dat: (60kB, Jan. 8, 1997)
front_field.dat: (125kB, Jan. 8, 1997)
front_sense1.dat: (1.4MB, Jan. 8, 1997)
front_sense2.dat: (1.4MB, Jan. 8, 1997)
rear_clear.dat: (60kB, Jan. 8, 1997)
rear_field.dat: (125kB, Jan. 8, 1997)
rear_sense1.dat: (1.4MB, Jan. 8, 1997)
rear_sense2.dat: (1.4MB, Jan. 8, 1997)
JPEG photo of the rear endplate in the shipping box (100kB, Dec. 23, 1996)
JPEG photo of the CMM probe and the rear endplate (201kB, Dec. 23, 1996)
JPEG photo of the rear endplate on the CMM (67kB, Dec. 23, 1996)
TNDC-96-53: Choice of Drift Chamber Sense Wire, C. Lu, K.T. McDonald and A.J.S. Smith (290kB, Dec. 16, 1996). .pdf version.
JPEG photo of tapping of the rear endplate (70kB, Dec. 2, 1996)
JPEG photo of the rear endplate with spotting holes prior to tapping (80kB, Dec. 2, 1996)
TNDC-96-52: Update on Wire Quality Control, C. Lu and K.T. McDonald (190kB, Dec. 10, 1996). .pdf version.
JPEG photo of Dan Peterson of Cornell inspecting the front endplate (310kB, Nov. 25, 1996)
JPEG photo of the front endplate after drilling of all feedthrough holes. Two Go-NoGo gauges are used to check that the holes are within the specified range of diameters (90kB, Nov. 25, 1996)
JPEG photo of the front endplate, drilling almost complete (400kB, Nov. 21, 1996)
JPEG photo of the Brenner test plate (240kB, Nov. 18, 1996)
TNDC-96-51: Results from the Brenner Test Plate, K.T. McDonald and W.R. Sands (940kB, Nov. 22, 1996). .pdf version.
JPEG photo of machining of the front endplate, with S. Smith (220kB, Nov. 12, 1996)
JPEG photo of the front endplate after machining (before drilling) (208kB, Nov. 12, 1996)
JPEG photo of the backing plate for drilling of the endplates. The plate is mounted on the rotary table seen in the foreground; the drilling is performed from the side of the plate not visible, (383kB, Nov. 12, 1996)
TNDC-96-50: Plots of Drift Chamber Wire Creep, R. Klemmer, C. Lu and K.T. McDonald (143kB, Nov. 18, 1996). .pdf version.
JPEG photo of Bill Sands and Stew Smith with the front endplate being machined at Brenner, (143kB, Nov. 12, 1996)
TNDC-96-49: Finite Element Analysis of Endplates Coupled by Inner and Outer Cylinders, C. Lu and K.T. McDonald (2.3MB, Nov. 5, 1996). .pdf version.
JPEG photo of machining of a 1/16 endplate sector for the mockup, (200kB, Oct. 25, 1996)
Wire Procurement and Quality Control: Transparencies, C. Lu and K.T. McDonald (1.9MB, Oct. 20, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-48: Analytic Stress Analysis of Endplates Coupled by Inner and Outer Cylinders, K.T. McDonald (40kB, Sept. 25, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-47: Procurement of Gold-Plated Aluminum Wire for the BABAR Drift Chamber, K.T. McDonald (10kB, Sept. 19, 1996). .pdf version.
case2_chamber.for: Program to calculate stresses in a chamber with two endplates coupled by inner and outer cylinders, K.T. McDonald (20kB, Sept. 11, 1996)
TNDC-96-46: Drift Chamber Wire Quality Control: Preliminary Test Results, C. Lu, K.T. McDonald (4.1MB, Aug. 22, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-45: Proposal for a Drift Chamber Prototype III, K.T. McDonald, A.J.S. Smith (1.5MB, July 2, 1996). .pdf version.
Drift Chamber R&D at Princeton: Transparencies, K.T. McDonald (1.8MB, June 24, 1996). .pdf version.
Wire Procurement and Quality Control: Transparencies, K.T. McDonald (6.8MB, June 24, 1996). .pdf version.
fifo.for: Program to calculate deadtime in a FIFO, K.T. McDonald (2kB, June 14, 1996)
TNDC-96-44: Deadtime When Using a FIFO Buffer, K.T. McDonald (140kB, June 10, 1996). .pdf version.
coords.for: Version of Boyarski's program that generates AutoLISP output (link with Boyarski's routine HEX2), K.T. McDonald (6kB, June 7, 1996)
TNDC-96-43: CP Violation in the B-Meson System, K.T. McDonald (1.2MB, May 1, 1996). .pdf version.
prestress.for: Program to calculate overtensioning of wires, K.T. McDonald (20kB, May 21, 1996)
case2_step.for: Program to perform an analytic stress analysis of a stepped endplate, K.T. McDonald (20kB, May 20, 1996)
TNDC-96-42: Overtensioning of Wires as an Alternative to Prestressing the Drift Chamber Endplate, K.T. McDonald (70kB, May 21, 1996, revised Sept. 23, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-41: Analytic Stress Analysis of a Stepped Endplate, K.T. McDonald (83kB, May 20, 1996). .pdf version.
Transparencies: Analytic Calculations of a Stepped Front Endplate, K.T. McDonald (340kB, May 9, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-40: Visit with Dan Peterson of Cornell, C. Lu, K.T. McDonald, W.R. Sands and A.J.S. Smith (440kB, May 2, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-39: A Device for Quick and Reliable Measurement of Wire Tension, M.R. Convery (273 kB, Apr. 29, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-38: The Effect of the Drift Chamber Outer Cylinder On the DIRC Resolution, K.T. McDonald and E.J. Prebys (350 kB, Apr. 24, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-37: A Preamp-ADC Interface Amplifier for the BABAR Drift Chamber, R. Wixted and K.T. McDonald (93kB, Apr. 23, 1996). .pdf version.
koords.for: Fortran program for endplate wire layout, modified by K.T. McDonald (21kB, Apr. 22, 1996)
TNDC-96-36: Minor Adjustments in HEX2 Wire Positions, K.T. McDonald (2.6MB, Apr. 22, 1996)
TNDC-96-35: Effect of a Step in the Front Endplate, C. Lu and K.T. McDonald (1.8MB, Apr. 19, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-34: Second Look at the Al/Au Wire, C. Lu and K.T. McDonald (1.5MB, Apr, 15, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-33: The Endplate/Support-Tube Joints, C. Lu, K.T. McDonald and W.R. Sands (2.4MB, Apr. 14, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-28: Deep Hole Drilling for the Rear Endplate, K.T. McDonald (3.5MB, Apr. 13, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-27: First Look at Al/Au and Au/W Wire, C. Lu and K.T. McDonald (4.5MB, Apr. 11, 1996)
Endplate Options: Transparencies for a talk at the Endplate Technology Review, K.T. McDonald (1.8MB, Mar. 25, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-25: Finite Element Analysis of Shaped Front Endplates for the BABAR Drift Chamber, C. Lu and K.T. McDonald (660kB, Mar. 22, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-24: Options for the BABAR Drift Chamber Front Endplate, K.T. McDonald (80kB, Mar. 23, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-23: An Analysis of Gas Flow in the BABAR Drift Chamber, K.T. McDonald (160kB, Mar. 5, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-22: Endplates under Pure Tension or Compression, K.T. McDonald (90kB, Feb. 28, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-21: Natural Layout of Carbon Fiber on Cones and Bicones, K.T. McDonald (83kB, Feb. 28, 1996). .pdf version.
Remarks: Transparencies for a drift chamber group meeting, K.T. McDonald (2.0MB, Feb. 22, 1996). .pdf version.
Princeton Resources: Transparencies for the Princeton site visit, K.T. McDonald (100kB, Feb. 13, 1996). .pdf version.
TNDC-96-20: Should the Drift Chamber Inner Wall be Load Bearing? K.T. McDonald (2.2MB, Feb. 7, 1996). .pdf version.
HEP/92-09: Six Ways to Measure CP-Violating Phases in B Decays, K.T. McDonald (3.0MB, Sept. 20, 1992). .pdf version.
HEP/92-04: Maximum Likelihood Analysis of CP-Violating Asymmetries, K.T. McDonald (180kB, Sept. 4, 1992). .pdf version.


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SLAC Experiment E-144

Kirk T. McDonald
Tel: +1-609-258-6608
Fax: +1-609-258-6360