This CD contains all image data of the E951 mercury trough and mercury jet run on the following date and data are placed in the subsequent directories: 4-13-01 (trough run), 4-25-01 (jet run), 4-27-01 (jet run with 3x optical zoom), 4-29-01 (jet run). Cern-data (some Hg trough and Jet data) Movie (all GIF movies) Others (all other related test image and jpg files) Read-me-first (all document) Softwares (all necessary softwares) A scanned copy of the log book from p.76-88 is in \Read-me-first\Log-book.pdf and Log-book.doc. All corresponding data files can be referred back to those pages in the log book. Image data are categorized by date, all 17-frame images data are in their corresponding directories, individual frames (TIF format) are in their corresponding individual-16-frame directories. Not all 17-frame images data are converted into their individual frames, only those I think worthwile. If you have a 17-image that you would like to process, please let me know. All original image files are in TIF format with 12-bit B/W resolution. One can use IrfanView3.33 (a freeware) to view the TIF files and convert them to any other formats, such as JPG, BMP, GIF, etc.. Note that most Microsoft image processing softwares can not handle 12-bit image data. To make them into a GIF movie, I first convert the original TIF file into GIF using IrfanView (you can manupulate the color of the images), I rotate the image by 90 degree, and then save the image in GIF format. I also use IrfanView to generate my header and the end pages of the movie. I then use the Microsoft GIF Animator to compile the movie and insert appropriate time delay between each frame during playback. Alternately one can use the Slideshow feature of the IrfanView to make a Slideshow or MS Power Point. There are probably other better ways of handling the data. All the necessary softwares are in the Software directory. Feel free to use them, they are all freewares. Have fun. Thomas Tsang ( Brookhaven National Laboratory Building 535B Upton, NY 11973 631-344-2225 Fax: 631-344-5773 URL: